“Holistic education is about creating experiences that leave footprints on the mind, the body & the soul.”

Whole Beings Educational Approach™

Holistic Innovation

‘A child’s organic ability to play with existing knowledge to create new ideas with a holistic disposition & outcome.’


‘To openly create without bounds in expression & thinking. Each child is a creative being who learns & grows in a creative environment.’


‘A child is part of the connection that is learning, family, community, planet & universe.’


‘A child who practices mindfulness welcomes awareness, resilience & flow.’


‘Each child is a unique being with a spirit that radiates love & Divine purpose.’

“We are bridging gaps between early years research & actual practice.”

Whole Beings Program Elements Poster

Holistic Program Elements

A wholehearted teaching system with all of the elements to support a child’s intellectual, emotional, physical, social & spiritual development.

Each experience inside the program is linked to these elements for a unique yet comprehensive holistic approach. Extensive early childhood research & experience has been used to create these program elements that offer a simple & cohesive way to navigate our online programs.

Our Vision

At Whole Beings® we are inspired to create a movement in holistic education—where each child is organically nurtured toward finding their identity & purpose in life, make connections to our natural world, our community & practice spiritual values such as kindness, gratitude & peace (Miller, 1994). Each child is a unique being that learns & grows in a creative setting, where they can embrace limitless ideas & reveal their unlimited potential. Whole Beings® was founded by two sisters, both registered teachers, whose vision is to ignite children with a powerful sense of who they are, whilst embracing their naturally creative minds & spirits.